Today I decided to do some baking. I figured that since I was using the oven, I'd put dinner in too. I decided on macaroni and cheese and bbq pork.
Let's just cut to the chase. I made the yummiest mac & cheese ever. I rarely make it because I don't ever have milk on hand (don't drink it). If I do decide to make it, I usually make this chocolate cake and other things that require milk so I can use it up.
But I didn't buy milk today. Instead, I used a can of cream of chicken soup, grated some mild and white cheddar cheese, grated a tiny bit of onions and added some chives flavoured cream cheese. I heated the soup as per instructions with a can of water. When that was ready I added the cheese, mixed it around for a bit until the cheese was melted. I then poured it over cooked macaroni elbows. Added more grated cheese and parmesan cheese to the top. ( I forgot to add bread crumbs too). That went into a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.
The end result? Yummy macaroni & cheese!

I also baked a devils food cake and some brownies. The devil's food cake is going to be turned into chocolate balls. I'll post more on that later!